on a side note regarding punctuation: most often it's a stylistic choice in poetry which happens to bleed into my mundane prose, where i'm a strong defender of the harvard comma. i used to capitalize a single "i" without fail, but more commonly now i do not. i have tried numerous times to adopt a single space after a period, but my years of habit forming typing in high school and university have permantley ingrained a double tap on the space bar... one that so far has been impossible to penetrate through conventional means... and so i continue the double space for now. perhaps some future day will change things. but, it probably helps to have a double space as i've been leaving my first letters uncapitalized. note this all changes when i sit down in my "cube" at work. and finally i shall say this, while i fear change and strive for consistency, the most important thing is comprehension of my audience (yes, surprisingly that's a goal i strive for), and hence nothing can be set in stone.
and that my friends is more than you wished to know. commence corrections, and please remember i'm all about it.
blah blah blah mystery enigma vague ambiguity followed by fumbling attempt at a surprising confession.
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