
charaterize splinter
sell bacon eggs
matter smells
resemble death and clear pills
cloudy math exercise
motorize remaining spells
no doubt you wonder
why i try come by and see me fly
titillate concentrate
masturbate in heaven's gate
never left on the page
a certain age i flagellate
consider pain
it don't hurt as dalton speculates
leave this be as time slips away
out and about on mars keeping pace
my letters and words translated
still empty space
i said this was easy to make
i didn't lie i can't bake or take or make hate
i just let it die
on it's own it withers on the vine
as these lines
now don't come stalking or knocking
i won't answer the door i'll just keep blocking
out stances and repeatedly
mentions words i don't know, like manses
where i live it's hard to go outside
in green and gold memories, old and stormy with no pride
i lack in areas
out standing in forested groves
where you married us
i remember fine times and lives and mostly skies
of blue and white and grey
this means i'm out and that's all i have to say.

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