
3 for the road....

last call
called from
someplace warm
comfortable life lived
respected for
things undefined
left uncertain failings
behind curtains
trotted out for
all see
dance for me
put on a show
life's certain capabilities
paraded about
no secrets
those respected arouse
suspicion in loved
one's own feelings
pushed to ground
not afraid to smile
live like that.


he considers depth of reason
inescapable treason
to those in need
transpired fixed
unoccupied shell wanders
staring at what firings
images encapsulated
among strong feelings
of doubt
belonging to
something hold onto
people humanity
look for a decision
made not thought about
ring true beyond reason
to embrace or
not let near perfect
symbols of imperfection
inarticulate ink
hasn't lived up to it
motivated desire
passion presently absent
a long nights foray
brings an end
considering all that has happened
as time comes later and later
until disrupted
disjunction among synapses
reading friends poetry.


he looks to those
most important
defined friend
as family
there for all
respected above
how to explain beyond
humanistic love
understand this
he repeats
though words traded
less often
time passes
space expands
he repeats
ask and
I will always be there when you need me.

"fear is the mind killer"

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