
30 days... day 15.

halfway home.
spending coins empty minds.

I'm certain this experiment has gone about as well as expected.
tomorrow comes a relative outburst.

let slip this shallow skiff
sliding among the waves
trailing fingers dripping.


30 days... day 13.

I force myself this time... but better to force action than succumb to inactivity.  Perhaps good will come from this short scattered collection.  Nowhere to go but up, as they say.
I've claimed my seat on the train.

Cease not your attempts to conquer the abyss.


30 days... day 12.

I’m not sure how to say this
I’m not sure how to proceed
My mind has taken steps
You see
My mind has erased itself
Erased matter
What mattered
Was not so hard to engage
Presaged what was to come
An often thought of reference
Remember once a friend’s embrace
Easy to forget
What once provided lift
Provided I don’t see you again
Remember I will think of you
At times like this.


30 days... day 11.

okay... 6 of 11 days is not what expected, but over 50 percent.
We took a tour of the childbirth center this weekend; I was impressed.  I'm actually looking forward to eating in the hospital cafeteria.  I have a strange attraction to institutional food, not sure why.

Of course, the coming arrival of Odin is forefront in my mind these days.  I'm unbelievably excited for fatherhood and family... I can do naught but smile.



30 days... day 8.
I think I have a valid excuse for missing 6 and 7.

I'm looking forward to a summer without cable.  I have a lot of reading to catch up on; an abundance of comics and novels await.
If I can work in some barefoot running, all the better.

Until then I'll continue to rot my brain with mariners in HD and john stewart.



30 days... day 5.

Oh how I long for summer days... the short hours of my evening spent outside just didn't seem right.
I can't say what was missing, out of place, fine reader.  I can only say I yearn for long summer evenings and a 5 AM sunrise.

Perhaps... perhaps those summer evenings, now longed for, will become dreaded nights spent baking in the heat, with fans buzzing, doors and windows flung open...

Perhaps... but right now I yearn, I tell you, I yearn!


30 days... day 4.
enjoyed a sunny day at the safe today... did not catch a walk off grand salami by junior, but there's always next year.
looking forward to annual trips with Odin in tow.  A replica Hernandez jersey will wait in the closet.

I consider this representative.
30 days... day 3.
It's not starting out well, as you can see.
my better half calls... to the gates!


30 days, day 1

30 days, day 1...  I considered 365 days.
I do this in support of my 2010 resolution.
