
Please don't cry for me.
I volunteered for this. I sat myself in this chair in a momentary lapse of reason.
My longing for freedom merely prolongs the time my mind spends in the labyrinth of its own making.
“Foment rebellion!” I cry into the abyss.
Oh mighty heart, lead me from this despair. Find within yourself within me the power to free us (me) from these chains.
Shed no tears, I say again.
Merely look upon me with pity, for though I freely placed myself in this predicament, I long for freedom.
And yet, the time draws near!
In only moments I will claw my way out of the abyss and embrace the light of freedom.
Until next time.

The Fickeisen Holiday Poem Collection 2010

Solstice, Saturnalia, Yule and Christmas
Hanukkah, Kwanza, and yes, even Festivus
No matter the reason for the season
Regardless of motivation for celebration
Phone your mother, ring your father
Remember those forgotten by time
And separated by space
Be gracious and kind, welcoming and warm
And just when you think you can’t do anymore
Take one more step and above all, Love All.


bitter cold
kills the mold
growing on my soul
since hot humid summer
bitter cold
and reminds
heart and blood
springs eternal.


I do not miss thee,
white Festivus.
The days of cider and pumpkins
have overtaken you.
Welcome, OctoberFestivus
into my open arms.


The Wednesday Morning Post

I find that to be unacceptable.
I say that often enough; perhaps I shouldn’t.

I’ve decided to take up barefoot running.
It’s something I’ve never done before; I don’t know.

When I was young I read books and novels.
Now I read comic books and graphic novels.

This should scare anyone.
Stand up ain’t that easy.

In the year of the dragon,
a star across the sky.
A herald of Lugus,
him no one will defy.


wonder and posture

I was wondering earlier how much time it would take me to lay out a detailed plan for conquering the planet in my own name.
My really optimistic estimate is one long weekend, with breaks for meals and sleep.
The pessimistic view is many, many years.
Realistically, I think I could get an outline done over several weekends spread over a few months.

Now, all i need to do is implement this plan making plan.


beardless in bellingham

I used to have a beard... it's true... over a span of several years I was clean shaven only once, for my best friends wedding.  Though the beard took many shapes and forms, it was an ever present part of my life.

Unfortunately, the past 2 years and 5 months has been a different story.  I was clean shaven twice a week for most of that time... and I did not like it much.  Now I'm reduced to getting the closest trim I possibly can without actually cutting to bare skin; perpetual 5 o'clock shadow.  Not that you can tell.  I pass muster every morning.

I'd like to say I've learned something by exposing my chin to the world, but I haven't.
I'll go to the grave wishing ill upon the forces of darkness.
let it be known...

let it be known, though my beard is gone, I stand with those of you who proudly display facial hair...
I too, have a beard... in my heart of hearts.

and yea it shall be.


the sky was grey as i found my way
from tree to tree, too and fray
i wondered my fate as i wandered about
looking to heaven, my head must be clouded
god not considered and faith not founded
for a hole before me unnoticed had opened
and my soul, burned, singed and battered
fell straight to hell where eternity waited.
it was happiness and joy, no sorrow to be had
no cold heaven for me... boy was i glad.


hmmm... yes... i see.

places i'd like to visit before I die...
-tower of london
-great wall
-the big island
-another dimension
-skywalker ranch
-hanford reach by canoe
-the heart of darkness
-white sands
-key west
-head waters of the amazon  and the nile
-the ninth level of hell


2009 resolution: no resolution

Given the slow, dismal failure of my 2008 resolution (see below), I have decided to swear off resolutions for now.  Note this should not be considered a resolution, merely a ill-thought decision to hold myself to an arbitrarily self-assigned standard or rule. 
I'm off resolutions for the new year.

2008 failed resolution

Rob's New Year resolution for 2008:

No "treats" for all of 2008, with the following conditions:

-treats shall be defined as "sugary delights or candies"
-mocha beverages are not "treats"
-soda is a "treat," however it is permitted when "eating out"
-homemade "treats" are acceptable at anytime
-"treats" are allowed on all holidays, and at any holiday related
-"treats" supplied at work functions are permitted
-5 "special dispensations" shall be permitted throughout the year,
however they must be approved by someone other than myself...

Amendments to the resolution parameters:

-"homemade" shall be defined as "handmade from scratch" in a kitchen
fully enclosed within a "home."
-"handmade from scratch" shall be defined as: made by hand, where the
majority of the ingredients are the most basic ingredients generally

For example, a "store bought" pie, with hand whipped cream topping,
SHALL NOT BE considered "homemade;" however, a hand made cake
(even if originating from a "store bought" mix) with "store bought" frosting
SHALL BE considered "homemade."
Given that, cookies baked from "store bought" dough in a kitchen
enclosed within a home SHALL NOT BE considered "homemade."

All "judgment calls" made by myself in determining whether a "treat"
is eligible for consumption must be approved by someone, other than
myself, who is familiar with all the resolution parameters.