
Pretend placement
After the show
We go from blow to blow
Interrupting fights
With individual plights
Look out for yourself
This world cares not
For your supposed insights
Walk away from
Dark sided alley lurking fiends
Preying on weak minds
Let emotion run amok
Flagging lettered men
Driving blind luck
Let not rest take hold
Vigilance remains
Against evil
And all it stains.


old news

things seem to be slowly moving along here these days...

Kramer brought in a rabbit he hunted down.

I made brownies.

Preparations for the apocalypse continue at an exceptionally slow pace.


I have moved on
better things
crisis of stasis
let this
recorded matter
be one better
one line
matters more
belated attempts sit behind me
zeal is less than
such difficulty
once heralded
now banished
these strikes against me
summon fearless anger
go out and do
forget what ails
strike faster
with intense fury
manifest emotion
in this way
bleed off
let no person avail you.